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Virtual Staging And Covid-19

Virtual Staging And Covid-19

There’s no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted lives around the globe. From the way we live to the way we work; everything has been impacted.

The real estate industry is no different!

The New Normal for Staging

Traditionally, the only way to sell your beautiful home has been to invite the buyer inside or showing them pictures of your house with all its furnishing. 

But what happens when your house does not have anything inside? Or when the furnishings are not as impressive?

In such a case, the chances of your house selling are very slim! 

Traditional Staging

Home staging stands to stack the odds in your favor. The process brings in an expert interior designer who adds or rearranges décor and furniture inside your house. 

This practice is known to increases the offer (both number and magnitude) for your home! 

Virtual Staging

But with this dreaded pandemic, mobility is restricted. How do you maintain distancing protocols and Stage your abode at the same time?

Easy, you stage your listing virtually! 

Here’s what you can get out of virtual staging:

Unlimited Choices: Furnishing choice in traditional staging is restricted by what is available in your vicinity. In virtual staging, your house can have anything and everything. 

Cost-EffectivenessTraditional staging is not always cost-effective, especially for small homes. The proportion of staging cost may be significant as compared to the value of your home. In this case, virtual staging provides a better return on investments.

Less HassleBig or small, all homeowners understand that physically moving furniture is a huge hassle. With virtual staging, there is no hassle. 

Virus-Free WorkWith no interaction involved, the chances of being exposed to the virus are non-existent.

Everything Virtual and More!

Your health must always be the top priority. In these turbulent times, VSH Media makes staging easier.


Be it commercial or residential staging, we help your home stand out among all the others!

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation!

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